A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1



1'QJIII8 OJ' lli!LlGlOII.

JliPty &ophetl' Seer bleat I'
On whom th0fl8 trutha do reet,
Which we are tolbg all ou livea to ind,
In darkneu loat, the darkne. of the graTe ;·
Thou over whom thy lmmo.rlalit:y
B~ like the ~y. a l!Uater o'er a Sian,
A Presence which fa not to be put by;
Thou little Chilcl,yet glorious tn the migbt
Ofheaven·bom freedom on thy beillg'alieight,
Why with such earnest paiua dost thou provoke
The yean to brin~ the inevitable yoke,
Tbua blindly With tbr b}esaednesa &t atrife 1
Fullaoon thy Soul ahal br.ve her earthly freight,
And cuatom lie upon thee with a weight,
Heavy as froet, and deep almost aa life.

0 joy! thr.t in our embers
h eometbing thu doth live,
That nature yet remombon
What Wai 80 fugitive I
The thought of our put. yean i.o me doth breed
Perpetual benediction : not indeed
For tliat which ia moat worthy to be bleat;
Delight and liberty, the aimple creed
Of Childhood whether busy or at reat,
With new-tl;\ged hope atillll.uttering in. hie brei!.Bt :-
Not for theae I nYs&
The song of thanks and llrais&;
l3ut for tho110 obstinate ~uest1onings
Of aenae and outward thwga,
Falllnga from ua, va.niahinga ;
Blank misgivings of a Creature
Moving about in worlda not realized,
High inatinctl before which our morlt.l Nature
Di«l tremble like a guilty Thing aurpriaed:
But for thoae firat atJ'O'Ctioua,
Thoee abadowy rocollectiona,
Which, be they what they~.
Are yet the fountain light of all our day,
A..rl6 yet a muter light or all oo.r seeing;
Uphold us, cheriah, and have power to make
Our noisy Je&l'tl seem moment. in tbe being
Of the eternal Silenoe: truths that wake,
To periah never ;
Which ueither l.ieUeeeoe•, nor mad endea.Tour,
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