A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
l'OEK!! OJ' ULlOlOK,

Wz eow the glebe, we reap the corn,
We build the bou.ee where we may l'Mt,
.And then, at momenta, auddenly,
We look up to the great wide 1lty,
Inquiring wherefore we were born •••
For earuest, or for-jeat 1

The eenset folding thick and dark
About the sti11ed eoul within
We guee~~ diviner thing~ beyon~,
And yearn to them with yearning fond i
We strike out blindly to a mark
Be1ieved in, but not eeen.

We vibrate to the pant and thrill
Wherewith Eteroity hu curl'd
In eerpent-twine about God' a aeat I
While, Creaheni.ng upward to Ria feet,
In llr&(lual growth Hie full-leaved ,-ill
lhpandl from world to world.

And in the tumult and exceae
ol act and paaaion under sun,
We eometimea h~h, eof\ and far,
.A.e 1ilver etar did touch with star,
The ld.ee or Peace and Righteou.meu
Through all things that are done.

God keepe his holy myateriea
JUit on the outside of man'a dream I
In dia~n Blow, we thi.nlt
To bear their pinions riee and aink,
While they float pure beneath B.ia eyes,
Like awana &down a stream.

Abetractions are they, from the forma
Of H.ia great beauty 1-e:u.ltations
From Hill great glory 2-etron.g previaion.a
Of what we ahall be ?-intuitions
or what we are-in calma and atorme,
Beyond our peace and paaaion.a1

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