A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
I'Oiblll OJ' ASLliiiOK.

TJD:D a.re thy glorioua works, Parent of good,
.Almighty! Ttiine this uninnal frame,
Thus wondrous fair: Tbywelf how wondroo.a then I
UnspeakAble, who eitt'at above theee b.e&'!'eae,
To na in risible, or dimly seen
In these thylowut works ;-yet tbeae deelat"e
Thy goodneaa beyond thought, a.nd power diviue.
Speak, ye who beat ean tell, ye eons oflight,
Angela ; for ye behold Him, and with eon~
And ohoralaymphoniea, day without night,
Circle his throne rejoicing ; ye in Heaven.
On Earth join, &ll ye creaturea to utol
Him first, Him Jut, Him midat, and Yithout end.
FairP.at of at.va, laat in the train of nigh~,
If better thou belong not to the dawn,
Sure pledge o( day, that crown'at the -iliDg mom
With thy bript circlet, praiae Him in thy apher~,
While day arues, that aweet bout of prime.
Thou Sun, of thia great world both eye a.nd aoul,
Acknowledge Him thy greater; sound Ria praise
In thy eternal eonne, both when thou climb'at,
And when high noon hast gain'd,and when thon fall' at.
Moon, that now meet'et tlie orient sun, now diest,
With the tix'd amra, fix'd in their orb that iliea;
And ye, five other wand'ring tiree, that move
ln mystic dance nat without song, resound
Hie pra.iae, who out of darkD-call'd up light.
Air, and ye Elements, the eldest birth
Of Nature's womb, that in qaatemion nn
Perpetual circle, multiform, and mix
And nourish all things ; let yonr eeaaelesa change
Vary to our great lri&ku still new praiA.
Ye Miata and Exbalationa, that now rise
From hill or steaming lake, dusky or gray,
TUI the aun pain' your fleecy akirte witb gold,
In honour to the wot"ld'a great Author ria ;
Whether to deck with clouds th' unoolour'd sky,
Or wet the tbinty earth with falling abowen,
"Rising or falling, atiU advance bia praiae.
His praise, ye Winds, that from four qu!ll'tera blow,
Breathe aof\ or loud; :1nd wave your tope, ye Pine.!!,
With every plant, in sign. of wonili.ip wave.

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