A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

F .ATBBil of light and life! thou Good Suptente I
0 teach me what Ia good I teach me thyaelrt
Save me from folly, vanity, and vice!


From every low pursuit'! and feed my soul
With know1edge
conscious peace, a.'nd virtue pure,
Sacred, subetantJal, never-fading bllaa!

UNLESS Thou ebew to ue Thine own true WfA1 1
No IDAI1 can find it; F11.ther I Thou must lead.
Do Thou, then, breathe thoee thonghta into 1J11 min•l,
~1 which ench virt'11118 may in me be bred,
That in Thy holy footetepe I may head.

Tmml,ated by S. Word110orth.-MtcruBt. Al'IGBLO,

I B.AVB seen
A crorioue child, who dwelt upon a tract
or inland ground, applying to hill ear
The convolutions of a smooth-lipp'd shell;
To which, in silence hueh'd, hill very soul
Listen'd intensely; and hie countenance soon
Brigbten'd with joy; for from within were hear<l
Murmurings, whereby the monitor eltpNM'd
Mysterious union with ita native sea.
Even such a ahell, the universe itself
Ia to the ear of Faith ; and tbue are time.,
I doubt not, when to all it doth impart
Auth~ntic tidings of'invisible things;
Of. ebb and ilow, and evel'-du. ring pow&T;
And central peace, aubeiating at the hea.rt
Of endleaa agitation.

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