A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

Ja I gut 1\t gmtlt Jnlt I

Lo I here the gentle lark, wenry of rest,
From his moist e:tbiuet mount.ll UlJ on high,
And wakes the morning, from whoee silver breoat
The sun ari.seth in his maJesty ;
Who doth the world so glonouely behold,
That oedu-tope and hills seem burnish'd gold.

<.a * Jiggthtgalt.

· Sntr bird! that sing'st away the early hours
Of winters pa.st or coming, void of care ;
Well pleas6d with delights which present are,
Fair seasons, budding sprays, sweet-smelling ftowe:s:
To rocks, to springs, to rills, from leafy bowel'll,
Thou thy Oreator'a goodneSB dost declare,
And what dear gifts on thee he did not spare,
A stain to human sanae in sin thn.t lowers.
What soul can be so sick which by tb,J souga
(Attired in sweetneSB) eweetly is not drrven
Quite to forgeL eartb'8 turmoils, spites, and wronga 1
Alld liRa reverend eye and tbottght to Heaven f
Sweet, artleSB songster I tho11 my mind doat raise
To aire of sphere!t-'yes, and to angels' lays.

~ Jiglrtingalt iil'lgins.

H11::a supple breast thrills out
Sharp airs, and staggl'rs in a. warbling doubt
or dally in~ sweetness, hovers o'er her skill,
And folds m wa.v~ n otes, with a t'tembling bill,
The pliant series of her slippery song;
Then starts she suddenly into a throng
Ofabor~t thick sobe, • • • • ,
That rou themselvee over her lubrio throat
In panting murmurs 'stilled out of her breut,
That ever bubbling spring, the sugar'd ueet
Of her delicious soul, that there doth lie
.B.tbing in etreama of liquid melody.

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