A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

Jran!W .af " (.e ~cprltb."

Ta 1181. of lite :eenda forth tumultuoua waves;
And aaddenl·y, beneath the trees, we couut
Another a&ared. apot among the gra"t'eel:
Another from the friendly circle gone,
One hand tho leu to greet ua with ita ~
.And we, like Bacbel, comfortless do mourn.
Soon, in the twilight, as night-blooming fiowera
Begin to abed their perfume, cloee we feel
The beating of :JW.otber heart tbm oan:
.And with our fllner eenee another Hind
Flood• waveer of thought ecstatic o'er our o~n.
Ae though witb,in our very soul entwin$d:
And u we oon these inner leseona o'er,
We le~rn tha.t tboao we call " departed " hold
A nearnesa to co1U'IIelves nnkDown before:
And then we m.uae, and question where is heu.veo.
Whose goldet!l streets our beat belovM walk,
And unto whicl~ our purest thonghta are givt~n:
On distant at&ns we fix our longing gaze,
Our aapirati~ona wing to furthest goals,
Striving to find the land of love and praiae :
In nin our thougbta far mystic realma explore;
Wbere'er our lieart fa, there to usia heaveD,
And all our tre:I8Tlre8 lie upon ita shore.
J. s. A.l>AJI.S.

a:kc Jca&~nra Jome.
~'nle tbrmer llltllpare puM4aw...,."-BaY.liJd. ~

TB'Eu is a land of love,
Where every wind breat hes aoft, and glad, au<l tree ;
And every silvery·, rippling stream e~alee
· Heart-joyous melody.

There sweetest, fairest ftowera
Ope ~heir love-tinted petala to the sun,
And gently breatlile their rn·iahing perfume,
The wayworn hear~ u~:~on.
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