A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
No~ aarro'W'I tit.,._ •
No broke~ bletdiog heart.a call ttw. &but.-
No lilont, Joa.miog, IIJU'eq'Gited lo•-
All, .all ar. •'iafiecl.

o uppy land of lonl
Bv morl&l, fee~ untroci, or eye UD~Ha;
Whene'er I thlak of tl:l.e, tht. 9aagi.Ds lite
Seema like • weuy dream.

fob bota ~bt in fain.

I TBl•K, I feel- but when willlhe
A wake to thought agaiD t
A voice of comfort. &~a wen me,
That God does nought iD •aiD:
He waetea oor dower, nor bird, nor 1~
Nor wind, nor cloud, nor wa•e;
Aod will be waste tho llope which grief
Hath planted in the grAVe t

tgt ~ Jif.t.

How aball I ltnow thee in tho aphore which keepe
The diaem bodied epirita of tho dead,
When all of thee th&t time coald wither aleepe
And periahea among the duet we tread I

For I ah.aJl feel the sting of ceaeeleae pain
If there I meet thy gentle prsence no\;
Nor hev the •oice I love, nor read apin
In thy ee.reneat eyea the tender thought.

Will not thy owu meek heart demand me there f
That heart whoee fondest throba to me were giYe.o.
My name on earth 'WlUJ ever In thy prayer
ShAll it be ba.nish'd from thy tqtae in heava 1

In meadowa fann'd by heaven'• life-breathtog wind,
In the resplendence of that gloriot11 ephere
And larger movement. of the unfetter'd mind,
Wilt thou forget the love that join'd 111 here l

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