P(>lDIS 0., NATURE..
,~, Jhmtl.
SoME humble heru-t is sore and sick with grief,
·:ADd straight thou comeat with thy gentle soug ·
To wile the suffere1r from his hate or 1"'0Dg 1
By bringing N ature'a love to his r elief.
Thou cburmest by the aiok child's window loug,
Till racking pl\in itself be woo'd to sleep;
And when away have vaniah'd iiower 1\Dd leaf 1
Thy lonely wailin!t voice for-them doth weep-
Linnet! wild linnet l
God sa.w how much <Of woe, and· grief, and care,
Man's faults and fiJllies on the earth would make;
And thee, sweet singer, for his creatures' sa.ke 1
He sent to warble wildly every where,
.And by our souls 1 ~0 love to wake.
Oh, bleBBed wandering spirit I unto thee
Pure hearts are knit~ aa unto things too fair,
.And good, and benut iful of earth to be-
Linnet! wild linnet I
en hearing It I:IJmsiJ ~ing in It &inter Jranting l!ntk
m:r lri• ~irtgbag,
Sum on, sweet th~'Usb, upon the leafieBB bough,
Sing on, sweet bird, I listen to thy strain;
See aged Winter, 'mid his surly l'eign,
At thr blithe caro·l ·ctea.ra hie furrow'd brow.
So i~ lone Povert;y's dominion drear,
, Sits meek Contont with light unAn.xioue heart,
: W elcom~ the l'iapid moments, bids them part,
Nor asks iJ they btnng aught to hope or fear.
l than~ Thee, Au'~hor of this opening day I
Thou whose bright sun now gilds yon orient skies f
Riches denied, ~rby boon was purer j oys,
What wealth couM neither give nor take away!
Yet come, thou child of poverty and care,
The mite. high heaven bestow'd, that mite with,
· thee I'll&haro. BUJI.lil!.
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