A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
W out.» I deecribe a preaober, 10ob u Paw,
Were be on earlb, would hear, approve, .and own,
Paul eboold himeelf direct me. I -.vooJd trace
Hie muter-.trokee, and draw from hie deeigu.
I would expr-him &imple,, grave, ainoere ;·
In doctrine unoorrupt ; in lariguage plain,
And plain in manner; decent 1 aolemn, chute,
And natural in gesture ; mucn impreea'd '
Himeelf, u oonacioua of bia a wfol charge,
And anxioua mr.inly that the ftoek be feetle
Mar feel it too; aft'eetion&te in loo"'
And tender in add.rea, u well becomes
A. m-nger of grace to guilty men. ·
Oonu.. ,,.

A lUll eo varioua, that b e aeem'd to lle
Not one, but all mankind's epitome:
Stift' in opinioue, alw•x• i.n the wroD!f•
Wae e•ery thing by awta, and Dothm.g long;
But in the eonrae of one revolving moqp
Wu obtuniat, fiddler, statesman. &n~ boff.op.n:-
Then all for womeP, rhyming, dancing,· sl,rinking,
Beeidea ,ten thou.a&Dd f"'llke.that died ui thinkiDg.
Balling and praising were hia.uiual,th~ea,-
.And bOth, to ahow bia judgmant, in ext~:
So over violent, or over oin1,
That nery man with him waa god or devil
In ~uandering wealth waa bia peculiar art ;
Noth~ went unrewarded bnt deaert.
Beggar d by foole, whom still he fou~d too !4te,
He had hiajeet, and they bad hie estate. · ·

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