A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

31'1 'I\'.9Wk ftluaat.

To pomp &Dd p.geautry in noudlt allied,
A noble P.,.nt, 1u.ac A.ahford; died.
Noble he was, contemning all thiuge mean,
Hill truth 'OIIqu.eetion'd, aDd his 10ul aere.n!':
or DO mAil'S px.enoe Ieu.c felt afraid,
At no m&n'a queetion Jaa,a.c look'd diam&y'd :
Shame knew him not, he dreaded no disgrace ;
Trut~ simple trut.h, wu writtfn iu his faoe.
To bll'IB domeetie he hill heart reaign'd,
And, with the fi.rme&t, had the Condeat m ind :
Were others joyful, he look'd a~g on,
And gan &l.lowance where he needed none :
Good he refueed with future ill to bo.y,
Nor knew & joy that e&uaed retlection 'a ligh;
A Criend to virtue, hie unclouded bret\11~
No envy etung, no jealouay diatreu'd;
Yet f&r waa be {rom stoic pride re~oved,
He felt humanel7, and be wa.nnly loved :
I mark'd hie aot1on wben hie infant die"'
And hie old neighbour fqr oft'ence waa tried.;
The still tea.ra, atealing doWD that furrow'd cheek,
Spoke pity plainer than the tongue oe.n-apeak.
If pride were hie, 'twaa not their vulgar pride,
Who, in their hue contempt, the great deride ;
Nor pride in leuning, though my cle~;k agreed,
If fate ehould call him, Ashford might suooeed ;
Nor pride in rustic akill, although we knew
None his auperior
and hie equala few;
But if that spirit m hie soul had pl&ce,
It was the jealoua pride that ahWlll di~e;
A pride in bon1111t fame, by virtue gain d
I n sturdy boye to virtuooalaboure U'ain^1 d;
Pride in the power that guarde hia country's ooaat.,
.And &1.1 that Eugliehmen enjoy and boast;
Pride, in A life that aiJLnder'e tongue uelied,
ln fAct, A noble pa81rion 1 tnmwnOO pride.
1 (eel hia Abeence in the hours of praye-r,
And view llie seat, and sigh Cor I.eaao there.

But be ie bleee'd, and I lament uc more,
A wi.ae good mnn, coute.oted to be poor.

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