A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1


Hie f'ace waa broWD, by winds mr.de hard,
Hia voice waa deep, and clear, and loud,
And bad been hea.rd o'er many a atorm,
Hie brow had &lao ouee been proud ;
Bot age bad len ita track behind,
Like aea.-ehores worn by wave and wi11d.

A lllDuggler in his youth waa he,
Few lr.new the name he bore when young;
But of that crew he wna the laat,
Tbe reAt were abot, or drown'd, or hnng,
And mmy a dreadful tale he knew,
or that swift abip and fear)e88 crew.
He long bad len that dangerous life,
Aud up the river lived alone;
A little island on the Trent,
A little l1ut be call'd his own,
With no companion, eave wheu I,
A boy, could bear him company.
He loved t.o row hie boat by night,
When all around the air waa atilt,
To bait his boob, and cast hie linea,
Where shadows deepen'd 'neath the hill.
'Twu then some old eea.-atave he'd awg,
That made the silent darkneea ring.
Or seated where the willowa WL\Yed,
Gazing u pon the blue-arch'd eky,
He'd fold bia arma in thoughtful mood,
While tea!'ll gu.sh'd from each deep-sunk eye:
I wonder'd then, but ainee that time,
Have found how thought. and feelings chime.
Soma deem'd be waa a surly mau ;
But they knew not hie grief• and fears,
How he bad been beloved by one,
Wboee imftge lay "too deep for tears,"
To which hie heart uncbauged ha.J stood
Through breeze and bl\ttle, fire and flood.
He had uo kindred whom be knew,
No social converse to enjoy ;
He left bia village-home wheu yonng 1
But came not back again a boy.
Yea.r after year bad come and g_one 1
Ria parents died, nor heard of John.
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