A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1


Year a~r yea.r-long were they dead,
When home he joumey'd o'er the wana,
Garden and cot were desolllt&-
One night he spent beside their graves ;
Then on that island lone and drear,
He built a hut, and ehelter'd there.
How first I won tho old mau'e love,
It boots not now for me to tell;
I went his journeys to the town
I st1•ove my best and pleased him well,
ADd for him many a time foreook
My home, my playmates, school and boolt.
And mauy a tale was my reward,
Bow ship chased ship ttpon the ae&,
'Mid rolling waves and shouting winds,
And thunders pealing dreadfully,
While lightnings tlaah'd athwart the deep,
O'er rocks up which the wavea did leap.
Of gory decks, and yard-anna join'd,
When ehips were boarded hAnd to ha.nd ;
How they the burning veaael fought,
With dirk and pistol, blade and brand,
Till loud the dread exploaion rung,
While mast and spar around were 11.uug.
How some jump'd ahrieking in the waves,
ADd some were heaved up to the sky,
The dead and dying aide by aide,
While yell, and about. and piercing cry,
Join'd with the cannons' hollow roar,
Startled the sea-birds from the shore.

Then on th~t little island green,
Which t.o the breeze was ever free,
At evening-time before his door,
He'd walk as when on deck at sea,
With one hand on his lxleom placed ;
While memory many a past scene traced.

His little bark was moor'd hard by
The 'fi}lage-bella in distance ringmg,
The wt.ves ruade maeic rouud his home,
And murmur'd while the birds were singing;
While here and there a distant. eail
Gleam'd o'er green Ashcron•a winding vale.


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