A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

3ft 1'0 .. or OIIAUcmr.&, A11'D 1080~.-GUa.

B11t yean have roll'd by ainee he died ;
Tba' illand il hia ftlting-place ;
Hie lonely pve you yet may eee,
:S.t of hil hut tbenl il DO tn.oe.
Aod there the bittern plumee her wi~Jg,
While -.riDd. and wave• around him amg.

~ flrirait.

8u ,.... • Pbaatoe of delight
When fl.rat abe ~leam'd upon my aight. ;
A lovely Appa.r1tion, aent
To be a moment'• ornament.


Her eyee u at.&n of Twilight tall';
Like Twi.light'a, t.oo, her dnaky h.&.ir;
But all thin~ elae about hel' draWD
From May-t1me t.nd the cheerful ~ ;
A dancing Shape, all 1matJe gay,
To ban~, to at.artle, t.Dd we.yl&y.

law her, upon nea"" vi~,
A Spiri,, yet a Womt.n too I
Her bons'ehold motions light aDd ftee,.
And .tepa of vi.rpliberty ;
A countenance, 111 which d1d meet
Sweet recorda, promiaee u~aweet •
A Creature not too briaht or
For humau nature's dail,Y t ;
For t.n.naient aorrow~ aUDple wilee,
Praise, blame, love, kiaaee, tears, and amile11.

And now, I ee«, with eye eereoe,
The very pulae of the ma¢hine ;
A Being matbfng thoughtful breath.
A Travetler between life and death ;
The rei.aon firm, the temperattl will,
Eudura~..Joruight, atJoenJth, and •kiD 1
A perf~ womao, nobly plum'd 1
To wara, to &olll.fA>rt, and oom~
Ancl yet a Spirit atill, ud ~.riBb~
With. IOmeUW., of aoa-lic li&bt.
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