A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

ON put the vfll&ge, with ita humble apl:r&-
Ita quiet cota along the valfeye winding;
And thence among old woods, a11d roou antique,
And mellow fern-glooms, kindling with the glow
ot gora&-ftowen golden, to a ruin guy,
O'ergreen'd with trailing ivy, and o'erhung
With brooding shadows of the time or yore.
'Tia Bradgate's noble aeat-a deeert pile,
Slow mouldering in eun Alld wiDd and rain ;
But aacred in ita J!l1in ; eioce of old
'Twu graced by one who wae a peerleea Quee~t,
And more than royal Woman-ver bleat,
Our lady, sweet J&ne Grey. Her gentle name
Ia the aole glory ofa lorilly ra.ce;
But her dear fAme 1e hallow'd in all hearta
That bow belore m.iaf'ortune'a m'\ieety,
And wol"'lhip Goodne~~~, Womanhood diviue.
She wu & mAl'Vel of all pel·fectnea&-
Fair &a a flower, and gracioua. ~ a atar
That ebinee on earth, untoucb'd by earthly taint.
The faith and fervour of a holy aaint 1
The treo.eu.red wisdom of a greybeard aa~e,
A bero'e aou.l, and all a woman'e heart,
Blended with beauty of her maiden youth.
And here abe dwelt unepotted from tha worldw
In lol\y converee with the wiae of old,
In pioua medit:atio!l mom and eve,
In watchi.D& and iD pra.yer.

~~ J~ ltarprd.
BJmDl) Lord Howud and the l>anle
Fair 1lrlu-g&n' OJl her pU!re1 e&m&y.
Whoee foot-doth. aw&pt the ground:
Wbite waa her wimple, &nd her veU,
And bar lof»e locka a chaplet pale
or whitest l'QIM boun.d:
The lordly Angua b7 her aide,
In oourteey So chee.-ber vied;
WitheQt u aid, h• ha.ud i.o nm
Jhd et~• ~ gul<k hn broidas-'d Ria.
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