A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

l'ODJS o• OBAAACl'B'R. JJro Kfeoltt.L4!1B01l'B. lM'7

Ah I why wu' tuin id attraetil'e made,
Or why fond man 110 eaaily betra.y'd 1
Why heed w& not, while tnad we haste along,
The gentle 'f'oice CJf Pt>aee., O'l' Pleaeure's &ODi t
Or wberefore think the ilo\tery mount&in'e sirle,
The fountain's murmurs, &lld tbe valley'• pllide,
Why think we these leBB pleasing to behold,
Than dreary deserts, if they lead to gold 1
Sad was the hour, and luokleBB wna the day,
When lirat from Sehiraz' walls I bent my way I

" 0 oeU(', my fear& !-all frau tic u I go,
When thought create• unnumber'd scenea of woe,
What if the lion in hie rage I meet !-
Of\. in the duat ( view his ~rioted feet:
Alld fearful oft, whe.n Days de~:lining light
Yield.e her pale empire to the mourner Night,
By hunger rouaed, be acou;s the, ~anioiJ plaiD,
Gaunt wolves and aulleJi. tigera lD hts tram:
Before them Death with shrieks dincta their way,
Filla the wild yell, and leads them to their prey.
Sad W&JI the hour, and luok!eaa was t.he day,
When 1i.r8t from Schiraz' walls 1 bent my way I

•• At that dead hour the silent up shall creep,
It augllt of rest 1 lind, upon m1 alesp :
Ot· some awoln serpent twist bta 11calte around,
And wake to anguish with a burning wound.
Thrice happy they, the wise contented poor, •
From luat of wealth, and dread of death eecur~!
'they tempt no deaerta, and no griefs they find ;
Peace rnlea the day where reason rules the mind.
Sad wu the hour, and lncklesa wu the day,
When fi.rat from Bchinz' walla l bent my way I

" 0 hapless you~h 1-fot she thy 1ove hath won,
The tender Zara will be moat undone I
Big swaU'd my hea.rt, and. cnm'd the pow•rfel malcl,
When fast ahe dropp'd her ~a$, u tnoa eb• aid:

  • FaTeweU tfte y~oth whom aipa eould not. detailt ;
    Whoru. Zara's braking heut 1mplored ill Tam!
    Yet u thou. go'at, m1111 ev•ry blaa~ ~
    Weak and unfelt, as 'heae r ejected aiJ~I
    Safe o'er t\e wild, bO peril.f mAylt thOu •e,
    No griefs endww, oor weep, falae youth, Uke me.>

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