A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

With a porch at my door, both for shelter &nd abade too,
.Aa the aunahine or rain ma,y prevail ;
And a ama.U apot of grottnd for the use of the spade too,
With t. bani for the use of the fia.il!
A cow for my dairy, a dog for my game,
And a pu111e when a friend wants to borrow;
I'll envy no nabob bia riches or JB.me,
Nor what honoun await him to-morrow.

From the bleak northern blast m11y my cot be completely
Secured by a neighbouring hill ;
And at night may repose steal upon me more sweetly
By tbe aouud of a murmuring rill:
And while peace and plenty I 1ind at my board,
With a heart free from sickneaa aDd aorrow,
With my friends may I ahara what to-dt.y may afford,
And let them apread the table to-morrow.

And when I at last must throw off this fnil covering
"Which I've worn for threescore yea111 and ten,
On the brink of the _v.ave ru not ~~eek to be hovel'ing,
Nor my thread Wl.Sh to spin o'et• again:
13ut my face in the gla.ss I'll serenely aurvey,
And with amiles count each wrinkle and furrow;
A.a thia old worn-out stuff, which is threadbare to-day,
May become everla.st~g to-morrow.


GoD proaper long our noble king,
Our line and aafetie8 all ;
A woful bunting once there d.id
In Cbevy-Cha.se befall.

To drive the deer with hound and horn
Earl Pet·cy took his way;
The child may rne that is unborn
Tbe hunting of that day,

The etout Earl of Northun1berland
A vow to God did mnke,
His pleuuaoe in the Scottish woods
Three &UOlmer days to take;

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