A 'I'BOlTBAlJD miltlll from land are we,
Ta.ing abon~ on the roaring sea ;
From billow ~ bounding billow cast,
Like 1leecysnow on the s~rmy blaet :
The eaila are scat 1 ter'd abroad, like weeds!
The strong mast-!1 shake, like quivering reeds;
'l'he miRhty cables, and iron chains,
The hUU, which nil earthlt strength disdains,
They strain and ·they crack, and hearta of a~ne,
Their natural hard proud strength diaowu.
Up and down I up and down I
From the base of' the wan~ the billow's crown,
Amidst the 1Luhing "nd feathery foam,
The S~rmy Pet1-el nuda a homa,-
A home-if such a place may be
For her who lives on the wide yide sen,
On the craggy i~e, in the fro~:eo air,
And only aeekinj~ her rocky lair
To warm her you~g, and to teach them ~ spring
At once o'er t he waves on their a~rmy wiDg I
O'er ·the Deep I O'er the Deep!
Where the whale, and &he abuk, and the aword-fi.&b
Out!~ the blut and the driving n.iD,
The Petie! tellet.lb. her tale-in Tain;
For the mariner cal118tb the 'tf&ruiog bird,
Who briogeth him neW'II of the a~rm unheard I
-Ah I thu.a doeEI the prophet., of good or ill,
Meet hate from the creatures he &erTeth still :
Yet A. never fa.lter&-So, Petrel! apring
Once more o'e.r tlb.e waves 011 thy stormy ~ 1