A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

1M POIIIb or oBAli.Aar&&, ~ IUIIOZLl.Alii'I:OtiL

Sir Hugh Mountgomery wu be call'.S.
Who, with a ~ !all bri~~t!
Well moUJlted Oil a galtaut ne«J,
Ban fiercely th7oogh the fight;

And put the ·EnglDh arcben all,
Without a dreAd or fear;
And through 'Earl Percy'• body then
He thrust m..·h&teflll ~;

With auab nhement force ~ma might
He did his body g~m~
The atatr ran through the other lide
A lara;e cki"UI·yard and more.
So thua did both theee ·noblet die,
Whoee courage DOne could ataiu :
An .Engliah archer then ~vea
The noble earl wa.a elaJb :

He bd a bow-bent in hie band,
Made of a truety tree ;
An arrow of A cloth-yard long
To the h-ard head haled be:

Agaioat Sir Hul!b Mountgomery
So right the shalt ~ Mt,
The grey goose wing 'thl'.t wa1he.reon
In hie heart's blood wu wet.

This fight did ·wt from break--of-day
Till letting of' fhe ann;
For when they rung tbe·eYening-bell,
The battle scaree '1BI done.

With etout EArl 'Percy theJ"e were &in
Sir John or E2erton,
Sir Bobert:RateTifl',·aoR Sir Job~
Sir James, that bOld baron.

And wlth Slr·George and stout Sir Jam81!,
Both koigbta cif 6'ood -account,
Good Sir Ralph Ra.'" tbere waa s'l&ln,
Whose proweas ald earmo1JJlt.
For Witherington. ~y heart ia wo
That ever he 'lilA in ehottld 'be,
For when nialega Wel'e hewn Ln:two,
He belt and foaght on hie bee.
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