A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

And with El\rl Douglas there were alain
Sir Hugh Mountgomery,
Sir Charles Murray, that from t.he fiei.J
Ooe foot would never 11ee.

Sir ChArlee Murray of Rate~ ~.
Hie sister's eon wu he;
Sir DllYid Lt.mb, eo well ~m·~
:But aa:ved he oould AOt be.

And tb& Lord M.o.xwellln like we
Did with EArl Dooglaa die:
Of twenty hundred Soottish Bpea.rlb
Scarce fifty-five did Jly.

Of fi&en hundred Engliahmen,
Went home lint 6ft.y-tbree;
The reat in Ohevy-Oh&ae were lllaiu,
Under the greenwood tree.

Next day did many widowa come,
Their huebanda to bewail ;
They wuh'd their wounds in briniah ~ara,
:But all would not preva.il.

Their bodiee, bathed In pu:rple Q.lood,
They ,b01:0 with thom A WAJ' j
They kias'd th!lm ~ead a. tholl.Und timet!,
Ere they were clad in clay.

The newa waa brought to Edinburgh.
Where Scotland's king did reigo,
The brave Earl tDonglaa audd.enly
W aa with an urow slain:

"Oh, heavy newa !"King J!'JJ;lea\tid •7•
"Sootland can witneas be
I han not any captain more
Or such account aa be."

Like ti~inga to Ki.o~t.HenrJ.Il&plAI
Within u abort & apace,
That Percy of Nortbumbe,r~
Was a lain in Chevy·Chaae:

"Now God be with him," aaid ow king,
"Since 'twill no better be;
I trust 1 ht.ve within my realm
Five hundred good as he:

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