A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

1'01Ui8 0, CR.UU.CTXR, AlfD JltBL'ELL.tJUtoUS. 357

.A. peaceful pla.ce it waa but now,
And lo! within ita shining atrellta
A multitude of nations meeta;
A countl818 throng,
Ieee beneath the crystal bow,
And Gaul and German, Ruaa and Turk,
Each with h1a nl4tive handiwork
And busy tongue.

I felL 11 thrill of' love nnd awe
To mark the different gub of e&ch,
The changing tongue, the various speech
Together blttot.
A thrill, methinks, like Ria who a.aw
"All people dwelling upon earth
Ptwiug our God with aolemn mirth
And one con.eent."

High aovereign, in your Royal atate,
Captaina, ancl chiefs, a.nd councillora,
Before the lofty pal&ee doore
.Are open set ;
Hueh I ere you pass the shining ga.te;
Htlllh I ere the he&ving curta.in draws,
And let the Royal pageaut pauae
A moment yet.

People a.nd prince a silence keep I
Bow coronet and kingly crown,
Helmet md plume, bow lowly down,
The while the print,
'Before the splendid portal atep,
(Wbile .till the woodroua banquet atayt.)
!'rom Heaven supreme a b1el!8iog praya
Upon t htt feaat.

Then on warda let the triumph march;
Then let the loud Artillery roll,
And trumpet! 1·ing, ud joy· bella toll,
And pua the gat6.
Pue underneath the ehining a.rcb,
'Neath which the l eat.fy elma are pen;
Aeoend unto your throne, 0 Queen I
And ~ke your ltatt.

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