A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

Behold her in her Boyal place ;
A gentle lady; and the )wad
That sn.ya the eceptn or thw knd,
How frail and weak I
Soft w the voice, aud fair tbe race,
She bre&thee amoa to p,_,.er Mid hymn;
No wonder that her eyee an dim,
And pale her cheek.

Thie moment rotmd her empire's ebOI'91
The winda of Austral wiuter sweep,
Alld thou8&Dda lie in midnight eleep
At rut to-day.
0 I awful is that crown of yours,
Queen of iwanmerable real.ma,
Sittlng beneAth the bnddinsr elmi
or :EDgliah May

A wondroua aceptre 'ti.a to bear
Strange my.tery at Ood' which eet
Upon her brow yon eoronet.r-
Tbe foremoltt crown
Of aU the world, on one ao fair I
That clloae her to it from her birth,
And bado the sons of all tho earth
To her bow dawn.

The representatives of man
Here from the far Antipodee,
And from the subject !ndia.n ~
In Co~ ~Met.:
From .A!ric and from Hind11atan,
From Western continent and We,
The onvoya of her empire pile
~ at her feet.

Our brethren croee the Atlantic tidee,
Lo&dia« the gallant deok.a which oace
Roared A defiance &o our gune,
Wit.h ~ul a\ore;
Symbol ofpe&ee, their v~uel r1dea! •
O'er Engliah wavee Boat 8t&J"and Stripe,
And firm their frludly anchor. gripe
The father ahore!

  • T ho tr. 8. Dip~ SL w~

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