A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

PODia 07 Cl'IIAUC%'0, ~D M:I.IICSI.L.U.Ot7S. ~

From Rlline and Danube, Rhone and Setne,
.A. riven from their IIOlll'l:el gub,
The awelling tooda of natioll8 ~
ADd aeaward pour:
From eout to coaat in frieDdlr chabl,
With coun,le• Uoipe we bridge the .u.it..,
And angry oeeaD M~tn
Europe no more.

From :Mieaiesippi and from Nile-
From Baltic, Ganges-, ~o:ma,
In England's ark a.embled tkus
Are Criend and gueat.
Look down the mighty sunlit aiale,
And - the sumptuoas banquet .e&,
The brotherhood o! nationa met
.Around the feaat I

.Along the dazzling colonnade,
Far 11.11 the straining eye can gaze,
Gleam croaa and fountain, bell and TUe,
Jn •Wtaa bridat.
And atatuei fll.ir of nymph and mll.id,
And steeds and pards and Amazona,
Writhing and grappling in the bronze,
In endless light.

To deck the glorioua roof and do.mt,.
To make the Queen & canopy,
The pet.eeful h0111.8 of in-dustry
Their etandaU bear.
Yon ate the worka of "&ah.m.iu loom. •
On anch a web of PeraiaD thread
The deaert Arab bowe hia head,
And c:riea hie prayer.

Look yonder when the engioe. W1 J
Theee England'• anna of eonqolllt. ue,
The trophiea of.her bloodka w.ar:
Brave wel\pona theee.
Vietorions over wave ud 110il,
With theae aile aile, .be WtaTte, elae tills,
Pieroee the everlaatiD! hilll
.AJ:id ·~ the aau.
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