A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
The engine roan upon ita raoe,
The abu~tte whim along the woof.
The people hum from fioor to roof
With Babel tongue.
Tbe fountain in the buin playa,
The chanting organ echoet clear,
.An awful chora.a 'tia to hear,

. Awondrouaaongl

Swell organ, swell, yon.r trumpet blut,
March, Queen and Royal.Pa~eant, march
By splendid aiale and apnn~g arch
Of tb1s fair Hall :
And eee I abon the fabrio nat,
God'• boundlee~~ Heaven Ia bending blue,
God'• peaceful eunlight^1 a beiUDi.ug through,
.And ehines o'er all.

ToLL for the brave!
The brave that are no morel
All annk beneath tbe wave,
Faat by their natin abore I

Eigbt bundred of the bran,
Whoee oourage lftjll wu tried ;
Had made tbe vessel heel,
And laid her on her Bide.

.A land breeze shook tbe ehroude,
And 1he waa ovenet ;
Down went the Roylll George,
With her crew all oomplete.

Toll for the brave I
·Brave Kempenfelt ia gone;
Hia lut eea-fillht ia fought,
Bja .work_ of glory done,

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