A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1


It waa not in the battle,
No tempest gave the ahock;
She spl'II.Dg no (a"talleak,
She l'8.D upon no rock.

Ria sword was in ita sheath :
Hia fingers held the pen,
When Kempenfelt went down
With t'Wice four hUDdred men.

Weigh the veaael up,
Once dreaded by om· foea l
And mingle with our cup
The tear that Engl&lld owee.

Her timbers yet are sound,
A.nd ehe may tloat again.,
Full-ebarged with Engl&Dd'a thunder.
And plough the distant main.

But KcmpenCelt is gone,
Hie victoriea are o'er ;
.And he and hill eight hundred
Shall plough the wave no mor&. OoWPia.

I 'I' wu the Duke of Normandy
Rode forth at break o! day,
With pennons curling on the breu.e
In bright and proud array:
Tbt~ t1ower of all the oontioent
Compoaed hie valiant train ;
The koigbt.e of FlandeN and Poictou,
Bologne, Orleans, and !rl.&l.ne.

It wu at ancient Pevenaey,
On the noble Suaaes: cout.,
The bold Duke William landed
With a fierce &nd warlike boat_
or aixty thousand gallant menl
With aplendid .anna auppliB(J-
Crou-bowa and q uivers at their back,
And broad·aworda by their aide.
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