t~t trc.m Jimtd.
BDUTB tl;ese fruit.tTee bougha tbat abed
Tbeir mow-white blossoma on my bean,
With brightest sunshine round me spread
or spring's unclouded weather:
In this aeque11ter'd nook how sweet
To eit upon my orchard-seat I
And birda and flowe1'8 once more to greet.
My last year's friends together.
One have I msrk'd, the happiest guest
In aU thia covert of the bleat :
HAU to thee, far above the rest
In joy of voice and pinion I
Tbou, Linnet I in thy green array,
Presiding Spirit here to-day,
Doet lead the revele of the May ;
.And thie ia thy dominion.
While birds, and butterflies, and ftower11,
Make a.U one band of patamou1'8 1
Thou, ranging up and down the bowt re,
Art sole in thy employment :
A Life, a Presence like tl1e Air,
Scattering thy gladnesa without care,
Too blest with any one to pair;
Thyself thy own enjoyment.
Amid yon tuft of hazel-trees,
Tbat twinkle to the j;U&ty breeze,
Behold him pereh'd m ecstaeies,
Yet seeming still to hover ;
There I where the ftutter ofhia wiuga
Upon his back and body fliu~
Shadowa Mel sunny glimmennge,
That cover him aU over.
My dazzled sight he oft deceives,
A brother of the dancing leaves 1
Then dit.s, and from the cott.a~e eavee
Pours forth hil eong m gnahee'
Aa if by that exulting strain
He mock'd and treated with dildaln
The woiceleu form he chot!e to feign,
While ftutteriog in the buabee.