A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

882 POmfll 0., CWlRAC'UB, UD KISCltLt..uODOVS.

To wiD fair Engla.nd'• glMiO'IZS crown,
Duke lVillie.m ·rode that morn,
With bat11le-ue, and spear, and d!U't,
Wit.h B•l>nndlng d.l'um And boru,
Nor long nor weary wuthe way
They maarch'd ere ran of night,
When, bl· t'he brave King HArold led,
Came lhe rival host in eight I

Then apalte the Dub of Nornumdy:
<i Speedl, lauald, bold and free,
To the lender of yon martial hoet,
This ehallez~ge btar frotu llllt-
ID single combat to decide
Our etE•m and mortal feud ;
Thus bl0<1•d of th0118anda may be apand
Iteither falls sub<lued,w

One moment, In the monarch's eight
The feuleae hetald stood,
And galta.utly the challenge gave
To sp~re the waste of blood.
Sct~o~ o~r~eathed the word, ere on him lowcr'd
Full m1~ny a dark'ning glance-
A. hundred warriors struck the shield,
And gr:up'd the ponderous lance I

Straight 'IDSwer marle th~ wratht'v.l king:
"&turn thou to the duke;
To meet bia chin.lrous desire
Would rouse our chiefs' rebuke:
Unto the Go:! of arms we leo.ve
The clumoee of the tight;
And wear his brow the victory
Whose sword ia in the right!"

With banquet-eon~ and revelry~
Within tbe Britieh teu.•,
The bourn from duak.y eve~
To twilight dawn were spent.
Not thus withiu the Norman C&mPt-
.A. cllife1~ent soene shone \here-
Hands clEasp'd in deep solemnity,
.Kneee ltowly bent w prayert.
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