A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

:roma~ 07 CBAIU.O'l'D, .uD llteetLL.&lrSOU'&. 3'J 3

Ere yet the purple morning hour
lllumed the eaatet•n aky,
The cla.ab of &t1IlB rang merrily
With the stirring battle-cry.
A. C&t&l shower of piercing aucf
From the Norm&n croee-bowa tlew 1
And many a vali&nt Kentiahman
On the etormy onset slew I

But awift to cloaer fi!{ht they roeh'd,
And brisker warm d tbtl strife;
A.n4 de&dlier the contention grew,
Fiercer the thirst Cor life I
BeneAth the bold adventu.rous duke
'l"'uee fiery eteeda were alaio 1-
Hia falchion waved the r'•
Upon tll.at gory pl&ia

Oo spurr'd the Sauna to the oha.rge.-
'While axe &Ild glaive ewept Car;
And br&Tely smote they to the hilt,
Like liooe bred to war I
Full to the centre of their line
The Nonnane felt the ahock;
Yet stood they firm and etodfaetly,
.A.a etanda the giant rock.

Like lightning through the elementa
A t.rencllant arrow 1l.ub'ct,
And into Ha.rold'e royrJ br&l.a
Tll.rough helm-a11d temple daall'd f
He Mnk : yet to the death hie voiot
w u heard in hoa.r&e OOIDDI.ftlld i
And fien:elr graep'd, hie reeking blade
Gle&m'd m hie red right hand I

Then joyous ehoate of 'rictory
Far ahook ~he circling air ;
And helms were dotJ'd, and LAnnen Wllvt>d,
And k:oe'eB. were benrled tbt>re I
With-Liv~ long liTe the Cotlqu&ror ,_....
Did tboul&ll.d voices ring :
God •ve Uluatriou• William,
Our great, our glorious lclng I
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