A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

And there waa mounting in hot haste : the atee.l,
The mustering squadron, l\lld the clattering car,
Went pouring forward with impetuoll8 epecd,
And awiftly forming in the ranke of war;
And the deep thunder peal on peal afar;
And nea.r, the beat otthe alarming drum
Roused up the eolclier ere the morniug star ;
'While throng'd the oitizelUI with terror dumb,
Or whispering, with white liP--" The foe! They oomc!
Uiey come I"

And wild and high tbe "Oameron'egathering" t-ose!
The wu-note ofLochiel, which Albyu'a billa
Have beard, and heiU"d, too have her Sazon foes:-
How in the noon ofnight thd pibroch thrills,
Bange and ahriU I But with the breath which tilla
Their mountain-pipe, 110 Jill the mountaineers
With the fieree native daring which instils
The atining memory of a thousand years,
And Eva.n'a, Donald's fame rings in each clanaman'a enra!

And Ardennes waves above them her green leues,
DAY with natnre'a tear-drops, aa they PNIII,
Grieving, if aught inanimate e'er grieves,
Ovn the unretnroing brave,-ala.aJ
Ere enning to be trodden like the gt'88S
Which now beneath them, hut above a ball grow
In it. nut verdure, when this fiery mass
Ofliving v&lour 1 rolling on the foe
And bnroing ...-ith high hope, shall moulder cold and low.

Lut noon beheld them full of lusty life,
Last eve in Beauty's circle J?l'Ondly gay,
The midnight bro~{~~~~~e SJgnal-aound or strife,
The morn the ma · gin arms,-the dl\y
Battle'• magntiiceotly ... ttirn an-ay I
The thunder-clouds close o'er it, which when reut
Tbe earth ia covet•'d thick with other clay,
Which her own elay shall cover, beap'd nod pent,
Rider ud horse-friend, foe,-i.n one red burin! blent!
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