A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

I SPJUJrG to tbe stirrup, an•\ t ,.~ '• lit }1'(1 ;
r pllop'd, Dlrclt gillop'd, ... ~.tllr.11'd n tJaNe;
.. Good lpeed! • cried the w.atl.!b, u Ulo pt~wtt.a attekew ;
"Speed I" eeho'd the wall u. tl,e sNJ••t·l ••g • •l'b<.tp; ·
BeLind abnt the poetem, the l•glltl! gnJ: t.o r"""'
And into the midnight we ~otl'd abrt<ut..

N" ot a word to each other; we kept the great pace
Neck .by ueck, stride by atrid,e, never cbangi.Dc OQI' ~ ;
l tu.rn'd in fill, u.ddle and rqde it.. girtW. t4gbt.
Then ahorten d -.oh atirrup, a_a.d aet tae piq11e .n,bf.
Bebuckled tbe chee.k•trap, chain'd 1\MUr tb.e biS,
Nor gaUop'd leua~y Bolucl a ,.-hit.

"'l'wu moonaet at.!MariiQg; W •bile we dnw nsar
Lok.eren, the cocb crew and twilight. da'IUl'.ddeaar:;
At Boom, a great yellow G&r.oama QlltAo.-.;
At Dliift'eld, 'twaa morning aa plAin u could be;
And from Mecheln church-eteeple we heard the IWf-dllme,
So J oria broke silence with, "l" et tber,e ia t\u!{!! ,.

At Aet'I!Chot, up lap'd of llllnddu t.b.e ann,
And agai111t him the cattle .stood b)Jlok every .O.P.!l,
To stare through the miat at ua gallopi.Jlg ·PI'I't,
And I saw my atont.galloper Rol..\nd at~~
With reaolute shoulders, ef.ch b:attUI.g awa;r
The ha.z.e, aa apme bluff river he~ it.. ~P~f.-

And his low head and OHIJt,jnat on!'~ ear bent bn.ck
For my voice, and tbe otheT priclt'd out on his trac'k;
And one eye'a black intelligence,-ever that glance
O'er ite white edge at me, his own master, aSkance I
And the thick hea;vy apume-'ft&kea which aye IUI$i &ll,Oil
His fierce lips e~ook upward·m gtdlo.ping o·fl.

l3y Hll88elt, Dirc!k ~n'd; 1111i:l crud .:Joria, "Sta,Y ,~JPur I
'^1 Your Rooa gallop d ·brav.ely, the tault'a not jp, her,
"We'll remember at Aix "-for one heard the quick wheeze
or her cheat, saw the stretch\) neck and staggering kn-,
And aunk. tAil, and horrible heave of the ftank,
Ae dowu on heT haunches abe ahudder'd and &Rllk
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