A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

The gt"&M, the tbicbt, and the fruit--tree wild;
White hawthorn, aDd tbe (1ait.obJ egWIW. ;
J'ut.C&ding nolethlOYtr'd %:3, --;
Aod mid-M.ay'a eldelt · ·
Tbe OO!tlillg muak-roee, full or dewy wiDe,
Tbe IDIU'Ullll'OU haoJat of liee OQ ~'"ee.

Darkling Ilia~o.i. and. for many a 'time
I h&•e been n&lf in love witb·eaa~tul J)etttb,
Qill'd him 10~ oamea in m.wy a mu.M rhyme,
To tnke iot.o 'the air my qufe• breath;
Now more than enr teems it ri~ to die,
To cealle opon the midnight 1rith no pilh!,
While thou art poo'ring forth thy110td abroad
In .uch· all eCIItaay I
Stm·wouldat thou sing, and I ban ean in nm-
Tb thy high TeiJiliem become a eod.

Thou wut not boru for death, iaimortal "Bird'!
No hungry genera tiona tMad thee ctc>'ltn;
The Yoice I bear this p1L111iilg night ·wu beud
1o anCient days by emperor and clown·:
Perhaps the self-same song that ·found a ~tb
Through the; sad :heart of Ruth, when sick lor liome,
She stood in l.er.111 amid the alien ~rn ;
The eame that on..Umea hath
Charm'd magic cuement&, opening on the'f~
Of perilous seu, in faery Ianda forlorn.

Forlorn I tile very word is like a bttll
To t.oU me back from thee to my sole aeltl
Adieu I the fancy cannot cheat 10 well
A.a the is fam.ed to de), deceiving elf.
Adieu I adieu I ·thy plainti'f'e anthem fr.dee
Past the near mftdowa, oYer the a\ill·stream;
Up the hill .. ide; and now 'tia buried deep
In the oat ·yall!~~ea:
WM it a .WOU, or a w • di'Mm 1
Fled is that muaic.:-do w:ake or sleep 1

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