A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
PO.Df8 OJ' lfA'rU&Z.

WITH the lfllf'eet &ire of spring the Robin comea ;
And in her simple song there aeema to gwsh
A atrain of sorrow when abe miteth
Her Jut yea.r^1 a wither'd nest. But when the gloon1
Of the deep twilight falla, a he takes her perch
Upon the red-stemm'd hazel's slender twig
That overban8• the brook, and suits bel' song
To the alow r&vu1et.'a inconstant chime.

In the last daye of autumn, when the corn
Lies aweet and yellow in the ha"est.-field,
ADd the fri\Y company of reapen bind
The bearded wheat in ebeave-theu peala abroad
The blaekbird'e merry chant. I love to hear,
Bold plunderer, thy mellow bunit of aon.g
Float from thy watch -place on the moaay tree,
Cloae at the eorn-f!eld eclge.

MOST glorioua orb I that wert a worehip, ere
The mystery of tby making Wt18 renal'd I
Thou ee.rlieat minister of the Almi~hty,
Which gl.adden'd, on their mounlatn tope, the hearts
Of the Cbald~an shepherds, till they ~ur'd
Themselves· in orisons I Tbou material god I
And representative of tb' Unknown-
Who chose thee for bia shadow. Thou chief Btl\r I
Centre of many atara I which malt'at our earth
Endurr.ble, &Dd tempereat the huea
And hearts of all who walk within thy rays!
Sire of the eeuona I Monarch of the climes,
And th01111 who dwell in them! for nee.r or far
Our inboru apirita ban a tint of thee,
Even aa our outward aepeeta ;-thou doet rise,
And ahine, and eet in glory. Fare thee well!
I ne'er aball eee thee more.

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