A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

•~ ta tWt Wut llhdt. •

0 WILD Weat Wind, thou br~ath of Aut11mn'a being,
Thou, from whose uoae_,n pl:eael!ce the leaves deaa
Are driven, like ghoeta from an enchanter B.eeing,
Yellow 1 &lld blAck, and ~ale, and bectio red,
Pesti.lence-11tricken multitudes; 0 thou,
Who eharioteet to their dark wintry ~d
The winged seeds, where they lie cold and lo~~r,
Each like a eorpee within ita grave, until
Thine uure aister of the spring shall blow
Her clarion o'er the clreauii.o' earth, and. fill
(Driving aweet buda like focke to feed in air)
With living bueJI a11d odoW'I plain and hill:
Wild Spirit, which art moving e.ver1 where~
DeJitroyer &nd preserver; hear, oh hear I

Thou, on whoee atrea~ 'mid tbe at.eep tkJ't commotic>u,
Looae clouds like earth a deC6yiog leavei are shed,
Shook from the tans.le_d bougha o£1Uaveu •nd Q~.
Angela of l'll.in ud J.ig.lltning: ·tllue ue apz'ad
On the blue surface of t!Wle airy surge
Like the bright hair uplifted from the head
or aome fierce ?rfJeDad, .... eu. from t.J.I.e.dim vuge:
Of the hori%on to the zenith' a h~tigbt,
The locka of the approa.ching storm. Thou dirge
Of the dying year, to which this closing night
Will be the doom of a ftlt •pulohre,
Vaulted with all thy congregated milfht
Of vapoura, from whoae lolid atmoep"her.
BlAck rain, and fire, and hail, will bunt: Oh, he&r 1

Thou who didat waken froUl hia anlDlller clreallll
The blue Mediterranean, where he lay,
Lull'd by the coil of hia cryatnlline atrea!Blt,
Beaide a pumice iale iD BaJe's bay,

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