A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
376 l'OEXS o:r CIU&ACTBR 1 AlfD Kl8C&LL.UI'IWOS.

And aaw in aleep old palaces and towers
Quivering withi u the wave^1 s iotenser nay,
All onrgrown with azore moee and Bowers
8o aweet, the eenae fa iota picturiJlg them f Thou
For "Whoee }ll•th the Atlautic'a level powers
Cleave tbemaelves into ehaama, while tar below
The sea-blooms and the oozy wooda, "Which "Wear
Tbt aapleaa foliage of the ocean, know
Thy voice, and suddenly grow grey with fear,
And tremble And despoil themaelvea : Oh, hear I

If I "Were a dead learthon migbte.t bear ;
U I were a awift cloud to fty "With thee ;
A wave to pant beneath thy power, and ahllre
The impulse of thy strength, only leaa free
ThaD thou, 0 uocontl'Oll&ble I If even
I were u in my boyhood, and could be
The comrade of thy wandering. over hea•en,
.A.e then, when to outstrip the skyey apeed
Bearce aeew'd a vision, I would ne't~r have striven
A.a thua with tbt~e in prayer in my aore need.
Ob I lift me ae a wave, a leaf', a cloud I
I fall upon the tbol'll8 of life I I bleed!
A heavy weight of hours has cha.in'd and bow'd
One too like thee : tameleaa 1 And ewif't, and proud.

Make me thy lyre, even u the forest itt:
What iC my lea vee are falling like ita owu I
The tumult of thy mighty harmonies
Will tAke from both a deep autumnal lone,
Sweet, though in eadneaa. Be thou, apirit fter(M!,
My spirit! Be thou me, impetuous one I
Drin my deatl thoughts over the univerae
Like witber'd leaves, to quicken a new birth;
And, by the incantation of thle verse,
Scatter, ae from an unextiogui11h'd hearth,
Ashes aod sparks, my wordS among mankind I
"Be through my lips to unawaken'd earth
The trumpet of a prophec7 I 0 wind,
If Winwr cowea 1 can Sprmg bo far behind I

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