A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

378 l'ODa OJ OJUUCDR, A:t.O ~u:,uao~

Tbe days of the nationa bear no trace
Of all the annahine eo far fontold ;
The cannon apeak.& in the Teacher's plAce-
The age ia wearr with work and ~old. •
.And high hopes wttber, and memonea Yave,
On heiU'tha and alt.&re the 1irea are dead ;
nut that brave faith hath not lived in vain;
And thia ia all that our wateher aaid.

lttlrot.t 3hhta.
b tholl would.at view fail-Velr01111 uight;
Go viait it by the pale moonlight;
For \he gay beama of lightaome day
Gild but to Aout the ruina grey.
When the broken a.rohea are black in lli«hi.
And each ebt.ft.ed oriel glimmera white;
When the cold light'• uncertain ahower
Streama on the ruin'd central tower ;
When bnttre111 and buttreea, alternately,
Seem framed of ebon and ivory;
When silver edges the imatfery,
And the seroUs that teach thee to live and die ;
When diat&nt Tweed is h,e&rd to rave,
And the owlet to hoot o'er the dead man'a grave,
Then gC)-but go alone the whil&-
Then Tiew St. David's ruin'd pile;
And home returning, eoothly aweU',
W u never aceae ao ud aztd taU! Scorrr.

~oug #£tit 6art~·•pirit m smat.
1M the awellil)g flood of lifet
In the storm of action gomg,
Up and down in end.lesa strife,
Here and tlt.ere for ever lowing ;
Mine ia birth, ud mine the grave,
Ap Ocean of unending wave I
Change on c:h&Dgea I uaume
In life that tdo'W'S in lt&r azul clod,
So work I at Time's raabiRg loom,
And we&Ye the litriD« rol:le of~ I
Tra11.Zaudfrom Go•h4.. :P~
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