A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

l'OIDIB or C.IIARACTEJI, 4lm .KliiCJtLLA~Il'& 381

Far from the aun and summer-gale
In thy ttreen lap was Nature's Darling laid,
What tune, where lucid Avon stray'd,
To him the mighty Mother did unnil
Her awful face: the dauntleee Child
Stretch'd forth hi.a little arma, and amile1l.
This pencil t4ke (abo B&id), wboee colonra clear
"Richly paint the vernal year:
Thine, too, theae golden keye, immortal Boy I
This can unlock the ptes of Joy;
Of Horror that, and thrilling Fenra,
Or ope the so.cred source of aympa.tbetic Tean.

Nor aeeond He 1 that rode sublime
Upon the seraph-wings of Ecstasy
The aecreta of the Abyss to spy :
He piUIS'd the tlaming bounds of Place and TilJle :
The living Throne, the eappbir&-bla.ze
Where Ang11la tTemble while they gaze,
He aaw; but blasted with exceaa or light,
Cloeed hia eyes in endl-night.
Behold where Dryden's leas preewnptuoaa car
Wide o'er the fields of Glory bear
Two coursers of ethereal race
With neck.a in thunder clothed, and long~reaounding pace.

Hark, hie banda the lyre explore I
Bright-eyed .Fu.ncy, hovering o'er;
Bcatten from bel' pic:tured urn
Thoughts that breathe, and worda tbat bmu,
But ah I 'ti.a heard no more--
01 Lyre divine, what daring Spirit
Wakes thee now! Though be 1 nherit
Nor the pride, nor ample pinion,
That the Thebe.n Eagle bear,
Sailing with supreme dominion
Through the azure deep of air:
Yet oft before bi.a infant eyea would run
Such forma as glitter in the "Muae'a ra1
With orient hues, unborrow'd of the sun;
Yet ahall he mount, and keep his diat.ant way
Beyond the lim ita of a vulgar fl4te,
Beneath the Good how far-but w above the Gre:1t.
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