A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
Hark, hark I the horrid sound
.Ha.s raised up his bead:
Aa nwaked from the dead,
.And amazed be stares around.
Revenge, reYenge I Timotbeus c:rieiJ,
See the Furies arise I

Bee the snakes that they rear,
How th11y biBB in their bah·,
.And the sparkles that fia.ah frQm their eyes!
Behold a ghastly band,
Each a torch i.D. ilia hand l
Those ue Greci:~.n gboata that in battle were alaiu
.And unburied remain
Inglorious on the plain :
Give the vengeance due
To the valiant crew I
Behold how they toss their torches on high,
How they ~int to the Pereiao abodes
And glittenDg temple8 or their hostile gods.
-The princes applaud with a furious joy:
And the King seized a dam beau with zeal to destro~·;
Thais lt~d the way
To light him to his prey,
AJld like another Helen fired auother Troy!

-Thus, long ago,
"Ere heaving bellows learn'd to blow,
While org&ns yet were mute,
Timotheus, to hia breathing ilute
And sounding lyre,
Coulcl awell the soul to rage, or kindle soft de8ire.
At last dinne Cecilia came,
Inveotreaa of the vocal frame;
The aweet enthusiast from her sacred store
Enlarged the former narrow bounds,
A net added length to solemn sounda,
With Nature's mother-wit, and a.rta unknown before.
-Let old Timotheus yield the prize
Or both divide the crown ;
He raised a mortal to the skies,
She drew an angel down!

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