A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
SLUO~S return ; but not to me returus
Day, or the sweet approach of even or ruo1·n,
Or sight of vernal bloom, or summer's rose,
Or flocks or herds, or human face divine ;
But cloud instead, a.nd ever-du1·ing da.rk
S urrounds m'l, from. U:u~ cheAT(,, I w11.yA n( rnet1
Cut off, and for the book of knowledge fail·
Presented with a universal blank
Of Nature's works to n1e expun~ed a.nd l'Ued.
And wisdom at one entra.nce qutte shut out.
So wuch the rather tbou, celestial light,
Shine inward, and the mind through all heJ" powera
Irradiate ; there pL"Ult eyes, all mist from thence
Purge and disperse, that I mar &ee and tell,
0£ things invisible to mortal Sight.

W JTB some good ten of hia chosen men, Bernardo hath appear'd
Before them all in the palace ball, the lying King to beard;
With cap in hand and eye on ground, he came in reverent guile,
But e1·cr and anon he frowo'd, and flame broke from his eyea.

" A cone upon thee," cries the King," who comeat.unbid to me;
But what from tr&itor'i blood should spring aa•e traitors like
to thee?
Hi1 sire, lords, bad a. tl'&itor'a bean; percbll.tlce o11.r champion
May think it 19ere a pioua pan to &bare Don Sancho's grav_e."

•• Wboever told thia tale the King hath rashneu to repeat,,.
Cries Bernard, "Here my gage I fling before TBE Lu.a'a feet!
No treason waa in Sancho's blood-no stain in mine doth lie:
Below the throne what knight will own the coward ~umnyt

"Tbe bloollthat I like w•ter abed, when .Roland did adnnce,
By a6Crtt traito111 hired and led, to make us ala•ec of France;
The life of King Alphonso I &aved at Rooce&Yal-
Yo~~.r worda, Lord King, are recompen•e ablllldant for ii all.

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