A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1


And every shepherd tella hie tale,
Under the hawthorn in the dale.
Straight mine eye hath caught new pleaemel>,
Whilst the lAndscape round it measures;
Buuet lawne. and fallows grey,
Wbere the nibbling ftocks do et.ray;
Mountlline on wh011e barren breast
The lAbouring clouds do often rest;
MeAdows trim 'Vith daisies pied,
Sh&J.low brooks, and rivera wide:
Towere and battlementa it sees
Bo.om'd high in tu!Wd treea.


Wmm Music, heavenly maid I WIUI young,
Whlle yet in eal'ly Greece she sung,
The Paeaions oft, to hear her shell,
Tbrong'd &round her m~M: cell 1
Exulting, trembling, ra.gmg," famting,
Poaaeea'd beyond the Muae's painting;
By turns they felt the glowing mind-
Dieturb'd, delighted, raised, refined ;
Till once, 'tis said, -when all were .tire<l,
Fill'd with fury, rnpt, inspired.
From the eup)'orting myrtles round
They enatch d her instruments of sound :
And 118 they oft had heard apart, ·
Sweet le38one of her forceful art,
Ee.cb (for Madness ruled the hour)
Woul•l prove his own expre88ive power.

Firat, Fear, hie band, ita skill to try,
Amid the ohorde, bewilder'd laid,
And back reooil'd, he knew not why
E'en at the sound himaelf hl\d made.

Next Anger ruah'd, hla eyes on fiN,
In lightnings own'd hie aecret-atinga;
In one rude clash he struck the lyre,
And swept with hunied hand the etriDgs.
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