A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
PODS OJ' OIIARACl'ZR, A](l) Kt!ICB.l.LAlUOtl& 391

With woeful meaaures Wa.n Dt~~pair
Low sullen sounds biB pief be~ed ;
A solemn, strange, and uungled aU';
'Twas B&d by uta, by start& 'twu wild.

But thou, 0 Hope I with eyea so fair,
What waa thy delighted meaaure t
Still it whiaper'd promised pleaaure,
And bade the lovely scenes at distance bail!
Still would her touch the strain proloDg ;
And from the rooks, the woods, tbe vale,
She eall'd on Echo still through all the song;
And, when her sweetest theme abe ohoae,
A eon reaponeive voice 'INA beard at every oloee,
And Rope enchanted smiled and waved her goldt~n hair.

And longer had she StJng r-but with a frown
Revenge impatient rose ;
He threw his blood-iitain'd sword in thunder down ;
And, wit.b a with'ring look,
The war-denouncing trumpet took,
And blew a blaat so loud and drelld,
Were ne'er prophetic sounde so full of woe;
And ever and anon be beat
The don bling drl\m with furious heat ;
And tboU,gh sometimes each dreary pau.e between,
Dejected Pity at his side
Her aoul·aubduiug voice applied,
Yet still he kept bis wild nualter'd mien,
While each Rtrain'd ball of sight aeem'd bursting from
his head.

Thy numbers, Jealousy, to nought were fix'd;
Sad proof of thy distressful state ;
or diff"ring themes the veering song was mix'd j
And now it courted Love, now raving call'd on Hate.

'Vitb eyes upraised, aa one ioapired 1
PAle Melancholy B&te retired;
And from her wild aequeater'd eeat,
In notes by distance made more sweet,
Pour'd through the mellow horu her penain eoul,
And duhing son from 'fOCka around,
Bubbling runnelt join the eound;
Through gladesandgloomst.hemingled meuures atole,
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