A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1


Or o'er 10me ha.unted streams with fond delny,
.Bound an holy calm dift'oain~,
Love of Peace, o.nd lonely mu8lng 1
In hollow munnura died away.

But oh I how alter'd waa ita sprgbtlier tone,
When Cheerfuloeee, a nymph of healthiest hue,
Her bow acroas her shoulder tl.uog,
Her buakins llemm'd with morning dew,
Blew o.n inspinng air, that dale and thicket rung,
The hunter'• cal~ to Fawn and Dryad knowu!
The oak-erown'd Siatera, and their chaate-eyed Qae~n,
Satyn and Sylvan Boys, were aeen
Peeping from forth their alleys green:
Brown Exercise rejoiced to bear ;
Aud Sport leap'd up, and seized his beeche-n spear •

.Lut came Joy'• ecstatic trial:
He, witn viny erowu advancing,
First to the lively pipe hie hand addreBSt.;
But soon be snw the briak awakening viol,
Whose sweet entrancing voice he loved the best ;
They would llave thought who heard the str"in,
The! saw, in Tempe's vale, her native maids,
.Amtdat thf,l restal·sounding sllades,
To some unwearied min11trel dancing,
While, as his tl.ying lingers kisa'd the strings,
Love framed with Mirth a gay fautaatie round :
Loose were her tresses seen, her zone unbow11J ;
And ht>, amidst his frolic play,
As if he would the charmmg air repay 1
Shook thouaand odours from biB dewy W1ngs.

0 Muaie I sphere-descended maid,
Friend of"Ple&aure, Wisdom's aid!
Why, goddeaa! why, to us denied,
La.y'l!t thou thy ancient lyre &aide I
As in that loved Athenian bower,
Yoa learn'd an all-commanding power,
Thy mimic soul, 0 nymph endear'd,
Can well recall what then it heard ;
Where is thy nlltiYe simple bea.rt,
Devote to Virtue, Fancy, Art t
.Aria~ as in that elder time,
Warm, energie, chaate, sublime t
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