A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

Mr eoul is an enchAnted boat.
Which, like a sleeping awan, doth float
Upon the ailver wnes of thy sweet ainging ;
And thine doth like an angel sit
Beside the helm, conducting it,
While all the winds with mt>lody are ringing.
It seems to i!oat ever, for ever
Upon that many winding river,
Between mountoins, woods, abr-osca,
A parndiae of wildero.eaees. BB.Kt.Lll:r.

0, LULL rne, lull me, charming air I
My aensee rock with wonder sweet!
Like enow on wool thy fallinge are;
Soft, like a lSpirit'e, are thy feet.
Grief who need fear
That hath an ear1
Down let him lie,
And t~lumliering die,
Aod change his soul for harmony.

EvER against eating ea.res
Lap me in soft Lydian airs
Married to immortal verse,
Such aa the meeting soul may pierce
In ootea, with many a winding bout
Of link~d sweetness long drawn ont,
With wnnton heed and giddy cunni.og,
The melting voice through mazea running,
Untwisting all the chaine that tie
The hidden eon! of harmony ;
Thnt Orpheus' self may heave bia bea.d
From golden slumber, on a bed
Of heap'd Elyaian flowers, and bear
Such etraina as would have won the tar
Ot Pluto, to have quite set frt>e
Hie half-regain'd Eury<lice.
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