A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
l,i(usit h)! Jl,ao~gt.
Bow sweet the moonlight sleeps upon thia bank I
Here will we sit, and let the sounds of music
Creep in our ears; aoft stillneaa and the night
Become tb.e touches of sweet harmony.
Sit, Jessica: look how the ftoor of heaveD
Is thick inlaid with patines• of bt·ight gold ;
There's not the smallest orb which thou beboldt>st,
,But in his motion lib an angel sings,
Still quiring to the young-eyed cherubim.
Such ha.rmony ia in immortal souls;
But, whilst thia muddy vesture of decay
Doth grossly cloee it in, we cannot hear it.

•11Th.en ~gt Df Jarm.o~.
GoLDBN .Age of Harmony,
Thou shalt from the Heaven descend,
E&rth shall rise and welcome thee,
Man to man lle angel-friend.
.And the trumpets that blow when the battle's red star
Whelms the wol'ld with ita blood M it bUl'l!ta from a.f!U' ;
.And the bu~les that pt>al
To the crossmg of steel,
When the Demon of Wrath drives his scytbe-armM car,
And the war-drums that roll
In the shock of the battle,
And the death-bells that toll
O'er men slaughter'd like cattle ;
And tbe death-cmitten eyes that look up to the sun,
And see only the cannon-smoke darkling and dun;
And the lips that in dying hurl curses at those
Whom the Father made brethren, but evil made foes,
And the groans of the woi]Jlded, the moans of the dying,
The death-shot that scatters the ranks of the flying;
rhe wild, fierce bu.rrab, when the Fratricide hoet
Have driven their hrethren to Ha.dea red coast-
They shall cease, they e.h.all cease,
For the angel of peace
Shall whiten the Earth, not with bones oftbe slain,
Bu~ with flower& fol' the garland, and .sheaves for the wain.

  • .t. cmall11at cllab, 1l.llld ID ~be l.dml.olatratlou of the EucharlaL

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