A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

Tuovoll'l' ahillea from God u 11b.inee the morn ;
LangU&jSe from kindling thought is born;
The radaant J:onee o(.apace and time
Unroll from out that speech sublime;
Creation ia the picture word,
The hieroglyph of Wisdom's Lord;
Edens ou bliiaful Edeus r iae
To shape the Epic of the ski~ ;
Heaven is the grand full-spoken thought
Of Him by whom the worlds "Were wrought ;
He, throued within the world above,
lnapires that h~ven, that thought, with love.


Tss book is completed,
And cl01ed like the day;
And the hand that has written 1t
Lays it away.

Dim grow ita fancies;
Forgotten they lie ;
Like coala in the ashes,
They darken. and die.

Song sinks into silence,
The story is told ;
The windows are darken'd,
The hearthstone is cold.

Darker and darker
The black shadows fall ;
Sleep and oblivion
Reign over all
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