A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
;roam 07 1U!I't1Jl&

The doe awoke, and to the lawn.
Begemm'd with dew-drops, led her l'awn;
The grey miat left the mountain-aide
The torrent abow'd ita gliatenina pride ;
lnviaible in flecked aky,
The lark sent down her revel1;
The blackbird nod ~he apeckle tbruah.
Good-morrow gave from brn.ke and bush ;
In answer coo'd the cueha.t-dove
Her notes of peace, and rest, aud love.

0 ndales
OfT111e, and ye mOI!t uscien\ woodlnds; where
Oft, a.a the !iAn' ftood obli<lMly atridea,
And bia b&Dka opt~n t.ad ~i• lawn• extend,
Stops allort \be pleued tnveller to Yiew,
Preaiding o'er the eeene, some Ratic tower
Founded by Norman or by Sax.on hande:
0 ye Nortbu.m.briAn ab&dea, which oYerlook
The rocky pavement and the moaay falla
or aolituy w tDabeck'e limpid strenm t
Row glnJJy I recall your well-known aeata
Beloved of old, and that delightful lime
When all alone, for many a eummer'e day,
I wallder'd through your calm receaaee, led
In ~~ilene• by eome powerful hand unaeen.
Nor will I ~u forget. J'ffil; nor shall e'er
Tb. graver tasks of manhood, or the advice
Of vUlgar wiadom, move me to disclaim
Those atudiea which poSBesa'd me in. the dawn
or life, and fix'd the colour or my mind
For every futra.re yeAr: whence even now
From aleep I rescue the clear hours of morn,
Andl while the world ayound liea overwhelm'd
In iole darltneaa, am. ali•• to tbougbta
or b.oDo'Gl'&bM fame, of &ruth divioe
Or monl, t.nd of mind• to Tirtoe won
:81 Ul8 aweet magio ol hannonioue 'ftrw.
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