How richly glo""'. the water'• breut
Before ns, tinged with evening hues,
While., facing thus the criroaon weat,
The boat her silent con111e pnnuee I
And see bow dark the backward stream f
A little moment pMt 10 811\lliug I
And etill, perhape, with faithleea gleam,
Some othn loiteren beguiling.
''e Jlwwa gf a .faud Ji:U.
M.aulf, thou -st. tho~h courtly pleasure~~ want ;
Yet country RpOrt in Sherwood ia not .eant :
For the aoul-ra~ delieioue eoDDd
Of instrumental mucc we han found
The winged quiristen, with diven uotes
Seut from their qu"int recording pretty throats,
On every branch that compMBetb our bower,
Without command contenting ua each hour.
Fol' anaa hangings a.nd rich tapestry
We have eweet Nature's best embroidery.
For thy ateel gl&se, wheRin thou wont'st to look,
Thy cryetal eyes gaze in a crystal brook.
At court " 4ower or two did deck thy bead,
Now with whole gulanda it ia cireled;
For what we want in wealth, we haYe in 4owen ;
ADd what ,e 1~ in balls we find in bowers.
lkz ,fmst at~-
Tua noondaylltUl
Now a bone upon the fo~ one Yallt maM
or mingling abade, whoee brown magnificence
A II.&ITO, -n.le emboeoma. There, huge eana,
~ in the dark t-e o( thoae aAry rocb,
· r ita m<NU~~, reapoud and roar for enr.