A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
POZXB OY Jr.u'Uaa.

Now all \he trece--tope ·lAy uleep
Lib green wavea on ~he 18&;
AA alill as is the silent deep
The ocean-woods may be.

How calm it wul the ailenee there
By 8'Qcb a chain -.u bot~od,
That even the busy woodpeckw
Made stiller by her sound
The inviolable quiewaa;
The bn~<'\th of pea.ce we drew,
W.itb its eoft motion made Dot leu
The calm that round ua grew.
There eeem'd f rom the remoteet sent
or the wicle mountain waete,
T o the soft flower beneath our feet,
A tnAgie cirele traced.
A spirit interfused around,
A thrilling silent life;
To momentnry pea.ce it boand
Our mortal nature'• strife ;
ADd still I felt the centl'e of
The m~gic circle there,
Was one fair form that fill'd witll Jove
The lifeless atmosphere.

We paW18d beside the poola th11t lie
Under the foreat oougli ~
Each aeem'J u 'twere ~ little sky
Oulrd in a world below ;
A firmament of purple light
Which in the dark earth lay,
More boundlellll than the depth of nlgizt,
And purer than the uay-
tn which the lovely foruta gNw,
A1 in the upper air,
Mol'e perfect both in shape and hne
Tb11n any spreading there.

There lay the glnde and neighbouring lawn,
And through the d11rk green wooda
The wbiU! ann, twinkling like the dawn
Out of a speckled cloud.
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