A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

Ah I my heart is aick with longiDg,
LoDging for the MAy-
Longing to eecape (rom.etudy,
'l'o the yollllg face fAir &nd ruddy,
And the thouaand chllrtna belonging
To the aummer'a day.
Ah I my heart is sick with longing,
Longing for the May.
Ah I my boart ie sore with sighing,
Sighing for the May-
Sighing for their sure returning,
When the summer beams are bnmin~,
Hopea and 1lowera that, dead or dymg
All the winter lay.
.Ah I ruy heart i.a sore with eigh.illg,
Sighing for the May.
Ah I m.y heart ia pain'd with throbbing,
Throbbing for the May-
Throbbing for the sea-side billows,
Or the water-wooing willows ;
Where, in laughing and in sobbing
Glide the etreams away.
Ah! my he~~. my henrt is throbbin,q,
Throbbing for the May. •
W&itin~ aad, dejected, weary,
Waitmg for the May.
Spring goee by with wasted warnin~,
.Moon-lit evenings, sun-bright m.onungs;
Summer comes, yet dark and dreary
Life atill ebbs away:
Man is ever 'Wea1'Y, weary,
Waiting for the May I McOARTRY.

3n ~pril !J~.
.ALL day the low-hung clouds have dropt.
Their garner'd fuln889 down ;
All day that eon grey mist bath wrap~
Hill, valley, grove, aud town.

There baa not been a sound to-dn.y
To break the calm o£ nature,
Nor ·motion, I m ight ahnoat say,
Of life, or living creature ;

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