IT is hoped that the title-page of this work will suffi-
ciently indicate ita general character, and render
a lengthened preface unnecessary. The Editor trusts
that while it may be found specially adapted for
Sclwol8 1 as a Reading Book in EngliSh Poetry for the
more advanced pupils, it may also be a welcome gnest
in the family and social circle; in winter, a cosy friend
when aitting otherwise lonely in the chimney-corner;
and one with whom, in the more genial seaso!lll of the
year, we may hold pleasant converse by the breezy ·
hill-side or on the sea-shore ; and thus be alike useful
as a school-book, a presentation-volume, or a pocket-
coJDpanion ;-that it may in some degree deepen the
love of Nature, give a pure and healthful stimulus to
the Imagination and Fancy, minister to habits of
elevated Reflection and Sentiment, strengthen thl'l
Social and Domestic Affections, favour the love of
rntiona.l Freedom, and the growth of true P11triotism,
and through a.ll these lead the mind and heart onwa~ci
and upw!l.l'd to Religion, which, pure and undefiled, is
the perfect flower-the consummate and crowning
excellence of human oharl\cter.