A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

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IT is a aultry dAy; the IUD bu drunk
The dew thet lay upon the morning grus ;
There is no rustling in the loft;y elm
That canopies my dwelling, and ita shade
Bearce coola me. AU ia ailent, save the faint
And int.ettupted munuur of the bee,
St~ttling on the aiok 1lowen, and then agail1
InatanUy on the wing. The planu arouncf
Feel the too potent fervoun ; the tall maize
Rolls up ita long green leaves; the clover droops
Ita tender foliage, and declines ita blooms.
But fAr in the fierce aunahine tower the hill.e 1
With nil tbeit· growth of woods silent &nd stern,
As if the acorcliing beat aucl d~ing light
Were but nn element they loved. Bright clouds,
M.otionleSB pill3l's of the bro.zen heaven-
Their bases on the mountains-their white tops
Shining in the far ether-fil·e t he air
With a re11ect.ed r adiance, and make turn
The gnzer'e eye a\vny. For me, I l ie
LD.nguiJly in the ehn.de, where tb e thick tul'f,
Yet virgin lrom the kiSBea of the euo,
Retains some fr eabneSB, and 1 woo the wind
That still delays ita coming. Why: ao slow,
Gentle and voluble apit·it of the air t
Oh come and breathe upon the· fainting ea.rth•
Coolneaa and life. Is it that in the cav~
He hears me 7 See, on yonder woody ridge,,
The pine is bending hie pr oud top, and now
Among the ue&rer grone, cbeetnut and oak:
Are tosaing their green boughe about. He comes I
Lo, wh,el'e the graaay me&rlow r uns in waves!
The deep distressful silence of the scene
Breaka up with mingling of nnnumber·d aourfds
Aud uninnal motion. He is come,
Shaking a shower of blo•ome from the abru bs,
And bearing ou their fragrnnce; and he bring~
Music of birds and rustling of young boughs,
And sound of swaying branches, and lhe voice
Of diat:lnt waterCaU1. All the green herbs
Are stirring on hie breD.th : a thousand B.owe~
By the road·aide and borden of the brook,

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