A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

l'OJal& o• lllnotJU.

Nod gaily to each other; gloaey lea vee
.Al'e twinkling in the sun. aa i! tbe dew
Were on them ye~, and silver waten breAk
Into arnall wavea md apr.rkle aa he c:om ...

!ummtr !f.o.on.
Ta& m\d-d&y h our of twelve the clock 0011Jlta o'er,
A sultry stillness lolls the air uleep ;
The very bazz of flies is beard uo more,
Nor faintest wrinkle. o'er the waten creep.
Liko one large sheet of glass the waters Bhint>,
· Reflecting on their face the hot. eun beam ;
The very fi.ah their 6portive play declin~
Seeking t.he willow-6Ua.dowe 'aide the stream.
.A..od, where tbe hawthorn branches o'er the pool,
The little bird, forsaki.ng eon~ aud neat,.
Fluttet'l on dripping twigs hia hrub. to cool,
.A..od splashes i.JJ. the stream his burning breaat.
Oh, fre11 froru thunder, for a sudden shower,
To cherish nnture-in this noon-day hour!

JofD afDut at iumrntr' s ~Dolt ta si.t 1mb JWst.

(^1) How sweet, at summer's noou, to sit and nl\188
:Beneath the shadow of some ancient elm I
While at. my feet the mazy streamlet flows
In tuueful lapse, laving the flowers that bend
To klaa ita tide ; while aport the finny throng
On the smooth surface of the crJstal depths
lu silvery circlet.s,.or in shallowa leap
That sparkle to the sunbeam's tremblmg glare.
.Arouna the tiny j ets, where humid bell.ti
Break aa they form, the wa.tez-.apiders weave,
llri..sk. on the eddying pools, theh· ceueleas dtwet>.
The wild-bee winda her horn, loat iu the cups
Of honetd fiowera, or sweeps with ample ourve;
While o er the summer's la.p ia heard the hum
Of counties• inaectB sporting on the wing;
Inviting sleep. And from the leafy wo~
O.ne varying song of burating joy aaceuda.

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